Thursday, November 22, 2012


Well...seeing that someone approached me on Facebook to put up a blog because I post interesting things (especially religion). He said it was such a waste that all those points are buried in Facebook. He actually hit it spot on. That was really my intention.

But, I guess; I'm here now in the blogging sphere so that any points I raise are not lost in the mundane world of Facebook. Of course, I'm not going to say that all my points are valid; I am after all a human being with different biases after all. You're free to debate them if you wish; however, I will not tolerate fallacies (ad hominems and the like).

Here's a guide of what NOT to do:

Before everything else: I am not anymore a Catholic. Due to intellectual, emotional and ethical reasons; I cannot call myself one anymore. I am not on a drive to de-convert anyone but I cannot deny that some of my posts will be about criticizing Catholicism because it has left a scar upon me.

And some vital information about me:
From pre-school, grade school to high school: A Catholic School somewhere in the south
College: AdMU

So if anything; I'm a bit tired of hearing tales about atheist Iskos/Iskas talking about how they used to be lost and finally found solace with religion. Not that I hold that against them (it is their choice after all) but it perpetuates a stereotype that just because you come from UP; you don't have any religion. While coming from a Catholic college; you're religious (I actually know 2 batchmates who are not religious).

I'm here to disprove that.

(Oh yeah, please don't Sotto-copy me. If you want to use my points; just make sure you give the link and the context is not altered).

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