An ad courtesy of BIR, Bureau of Internal Revenue, the tax collecting agency of the Philippines.
I should be studying for Microbiology-Parasitology but every time I finish a class transcription this
BIR ad comes to mind.
A soon-to-be tax evader and burden. I let that sink in. Now before anything else, I'm not denying that some doctors do not pay their taxes. However, in this ad, it clearly states DOCTOR. So all doctors are tax evaders and burdens? What about those who chose to go to the barrios, to those who chose to go to the under-served provinces of this country and to those who work in government hospitals? And on a personal level, how about my personal reasons for going into Medicine. I certainly didn't do it for
the hypothetical income found in this ad which amounts to approximately P1,000,000.00 and the paltry tax.
I went into the noble profession of Medicine to serve and to learn. But according to the BIR, I'm a soon-to-be tax evader and burden. I let that sink in again.
BIR ad comes to mind.
A soon-to-be tax evader and burden. I let that sink in. Now before anything else, I'm not denying that some doctors do not pay their taxes. However, in this ad, it clearly states DOCTOR. So all doctors are tax evaders and burdens? What about those who chose to go to the barrios, to those who chose to go to the under-served provinces of this country and to those who work in government hospitals? And on a personal level, how about my personal reasons for going into Medicine. I certainly didn't do it for
the hypothetical income found in this ad which amounts to approximately P1,000,000.00 and the paltry tax.
I went into the noble profession of Medicine to serve and to learn. But according to the BIR, I'm a soon-to-be tax evader and burden. I let that sink in again.
It's full of the entitled Filipino mentality and ignorance. "Bakit ang PF ang taas! (Why is the professional fee high!") says one commentor. "The truth hurts eh doctors," says another. On and on again, the same entitlement, negativity and selfishness permeates this thread. It was as if all the life-saving functions of doctors are forgotten. The sins of a few doctors becomes the sins of all. Now, I am numb and speechless.
These are the people who I decided to serve upon having a revelation at the Rizal Library! This will be what my future Filipino patients will say to me and what hurts is that they'll say it behind my back. They'll generalize that my lifestyle is funded by my very high professional fees; never mind if I chose to do a medical mission or get involved in a community. Never mind if I do pro bono work.
The idea of a doctor charging a moderate professional fee is sacrilege. All things should be free. Never mind if the doctor has expenses and wants.
These are the people who I decided to serve upon having a revelation at the Rizal Library! This will be what my future Filipino patients will say to me and what hurts is that they'll say it behind my back. They'll generalize that my lifestyle is funded by my very high professional fees; never mind if I chose to do a medical mission or get involved in a community. Never mind if I do pro bono work.
The idea of a doctor charging a moderate professional fee is sacrilege. All things should be free. Never mind if the doctor has expenses and wants.
I now have a sudden urge of re-thinking my original consideration in taking the USMLE and then getting an ECFMG certification which will then allow me to practice Medicine abroad. Any place far away from the BIR and these entitled Filipinos who might I add will have the audacity to ask for a discount from their doctors. How these Filipinos can face their doctors after deriding them online is beyond me.
Maybe it was a mistake in being adamant about staying in the Philippines to serve my fellow Filipinos.
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